CS373 Fall 2020: Gary Wang

Gary Wang
3 min readOct 3, 2020


Blog Post 6

What did you do this past week?

This past week, I attended lectures and participated. Furthermore, my team and I had a multiple meetings where we worked on the project. My role was to be a frontend developer so I worked on the React portion of the project. I made the splash page, about page, and navigation bar. I also worked on the README.

What’s in your way?

Nothing is really in my way at the moment. I just need to start and finish the next phase of the project with my team.

What will you do next week?

Next week, I will start and possibly finish phase 2 of the project with my team. I will probably continue to do frontend engineering work and try to build an even better looking website. I also would like to work to linking the Flask backend to the frontend to get the API data.

If you read it, what did you think of Why Is Silicon Valley So Awful to Women?

I thought that it was very alarming. Many of the stories seemed so horrible and impossible to imagine that something like that would happen to someone in real life. It is very important to recognize that these biases still exist today and believe women when they say they are victims of it. I think as the next generation of engineers possibly in Silicon Valley, it is our responsibility to strive to change the culture.

What was your experience of iterators, reduce(), and tuple? (this question will vary, week to week)

I learned about iterators this week. I heard about them in the past but I got to learn more this week. They seem very closely related to linked lists in Java. The reduce() function also seems very useful. There are so many library functions in Python that replace loops. It is very efficient. Tuples seem just like Arrays in Java since you can’t extend the length. However, you also can’t really change the elements.

What’s it like working in a group? (this question will vary, week to week)

Working in a group is pretty hectic. Everyone is doing their own responsibilities so you just have to trust them. in the past, working in a group meant pair programming so you know exactly what is going on. Luckily my group members are very competent so I don’t have to worry.

What was your experience of the team contract? (this question will vary, week to week)

The team contract was very smooth. We all were able to agree on things and compromise. Our negotiations went very well.

What was your experience of the peer review? (this question will vary, week to week)

My experience of the team contract was neutral. Everyone does their part so I have no criticism.

What made you happy this week?

I am very proud of the About page that I made for the project. I even Rick Roll’d some of my teammates with a random link on the website. It is not there anymore though of course.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick of the week is this link for a React Bootstrap navigation bar: https://react-bootstrap.github.io/components/navbar/

It is very easy to use and is what I used in our project.

