CS373 Fall 2020: Gary Wang

Gary Wang
2 min readSep 19, 2020

Blog Post 4

What did you do this past week?

This past week, I attended lectures and participated. I was cold-called this week in class and answered the question to the best of my ability. I formed a group this week for project 2. Furthermore, I discussed some ideas for Project 2 with my group. I also did finishing touches on Project 1.

What’s in your way?

Currently, the only thing in my way is thinking of an idea for Project 2 and delegating responsibility. We also need to start coding for Phase 1 of the project. From all of our experiences, we cover all the technological requirements very thoroughly so it shouldn’t be too large of a hurdle.

What will you do next week?

Next week, I will probably have a group call with my team for Project 2 and discuss things such as ideas for what topic we want to tackle for civic engagement and who will do what role. We will also start coding the requirements for Phase 1.

What was your experience of exceptions, IDB1, and types? (this question will vary, week to week)

This week I learned a lot about exceptions. I have never used else and finally in try-except blocks before so it was very helpful information. I also learned about the project requirements for IDB1. My team covers all the technological requirements very thoroughly. We all have experience with most of the required technologies. During lectures, I also learned more about types. I learned that in Python, all the types branch off from the object type, unlike in Java where primitives such as “int” do not. I also learned about reference vs. value situations with Python such as using “is” vs. “==”.

What made you happy this week?

I was very happy this week when I completed Project 1. I also got some interviews at cool companies for 2021 internships. I am looking forward to them.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick of the week is this quick JavaScript tutorial: http://bonsaiden.github.io/JavaScript-Garden/. I had a frontend engineering intern interview this week where I was asked about JavaScript concepts such as event delegation and closure. This link would’ve been very helpful for that.

